domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015


What is Internet?

Internet is a global sistem of interconnected computer networks that use the standar Internet Protocol suite (IP) to link several billion devices worldwide "is a network of networks" that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, goberment, etc; of local to globals scope linked by a wide are array of electronic wireless and optical networking technologys. The Internet carries and extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (www), the infrastructure to support e-mail and peer to peer networks for files, sharing and telephony. 

Most traditional communications media, including telephony and television, are being reshaped pf redefined by the Internet, giving birth to new services such as voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Internet Protocol television (IPTV). Newspaper, book and other print publishing are adapting to webside technology or are reshaped into blogging and wed feeds. The entertainment industry, including music, film and gaming, was intially the fastest growing inline segment. 


The Internet referring to the specific global sistem of interconnected IP networks.The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used interchangeable in everyday seepch; it is common to speak of "going on the internet" when invoking a web browser to view web pages. However, the World Wide Web or the web is only one of a large number of internet services.
K: Stands for kilo and = 1024 (2 to the tenth power)
M: Stands for mega. A MB, megabyte is about a million bytes (1024 x 1024)
G: Stands for giga. A GB, gigabyte is about a billion bytes (1024 x 1024 x 1024)
T: Stands for tera. A TB, terabyte is about a trillion.
RAM: Is usually measured in MB.
Hard disk spaces is usually measured in gigabytes.

The World is a place with many people that used for communication with the other peolpe. The Internet is an instrument that never ending story. It´s possibe found differents technology services for that. It has permission to access information, clearance to to access information. We could find many information since good until bad information. It is a complicated topic.

The pictures were taken from:



The technology is for making our easier, it helps in a lot of things since calculate one operation until helps in build tall builds, the technology has a lot uses and depend of you how to use it, the idea is use it the good way, however we can be aware that is just for helping us but it can not do everything for us, the technology not just consist in cellphones, computers, Ipads, tablets and other devices, For that reason I am going to show you some examples of curious technology. Let me show you.

This invention  helps to know how long time spends the traffic light in past to green also you can calculate your velocity, It is a practical invention.

This one is a useful invention, because chargers for portable music players, smartphones, laptop computers, and tablets are likely occupying outlets all around your home. It can become an unsightly and cumbersome mess of bulky, awkward designed power transformers and cords.

If you are forgeful this object is usuful for your daily routine, It is a key ring that has a GPS which is joined with one app in your smartphone, and for that reason you will never forget or lose your keys or other things that you forget easily mavbe your remote or wallet.

Charge your phone with a cold beer or if you prefer Charge your phone with a hot coffe, No matter the temperature of your drinks. You don't have to plug the Puck into an outlet. It uses a small Stirling engine to provide the power. The device has two sides, one red and one blue. Place a hot drink on the red side, or a cold drink on the blue side.

Every pictures have been taken from:

As you can see this inventions help us to do one life more comfortable and help us in a little things in our daily routine, they can be useful in some moment, but don't forget, you must not depend of the technology in all the aspects in your life. I hope you enjoy my blog. see you in the next Blog.



Now a days we have seen a lot of advantages on technology and we are aware that the technology is better every day, but, do we know how it will the technology in the future? What type of changes will it have?. In the next Blog, I am going to talk about the technology and its changes, advantages, also every type of technology which surprise us every day with something new in its functions.

Firstly I would like to show you some videos about the new cellphones.

As you can see, according to the before videos the tecnology is going to be extremely "perfect", because it is incredible, how one smartphone can do a lot of things, it will change its form, if you want one watch or one earphone, you could change form, and that is possible because the nanotechnology is developing faster for that reason, the technology surprise us every day, also the cellphones are going to show us 3D image, and the screen and the keyboard is going to be holographic and your cellphone can works as a computer. Some examples about that:

Taken from:

This cellphones are examples the before video, the first one is a Mozilla's concept a cellphone that you can command away and also project a keyboard and screen, the second one is Nokia Morph and is an ambitious project with nanotechnology and consist in a mobile which you can change your form depend of your necessity, self cleaning and all this functions thanks to the nanotechnology.

Taken from:

Finally I would like to show you this mobiles, those phones are curiosus because the first one just can operate with Coca Cola as a energy for the battery, it does not need, common energy or solar power, it needs Coca Cola, and the last one is from Windows and is called "Window Phone" and has a see through screen that is so curiosos because it seems as a glass.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015


My name is Maria Camila Vargas. I'm seventeen years old. I'm from Bogota. I live in Bogota, Colombia. I'm student of Modern Languages. I study at ECCI University. My favourite color is red. My favourite food is the meat. My hobbies are listening music, watching tv, going to the park. I'm friendly, talkative, kind, sweet, nice, calm, polite, cheerful, charming, gentle and seemly. My number group is 1DM. 

And in this Blog I'm going to talk about the technology, some aspects that are interesting for me and I hope you enjoy my blog.